Looking for contact with our team?
Click hereGreat call to action iframe
Watch nowCall us on +61 (0) 3 8376 6284 or
noreply@envato.comYou can create any Call to Action item you need. Can be used any icons, content, buttons, iframes, links and so much more… It`s so easy.
You can add this shortcodes using our easy to use Content Builder:
or you can add it using below shortcode:
[call_to_action text="Looking for contact with our team?" btn_title="Click here" btn_link="http://themes.muffingroup.com/pindol/contact" class=""] [call_to_action text="Great <span>call to action</span> video" btn_title="Watch now <i class="icon-play-circle"></i>" btn_link="http://player.vimeo.com/video/1084537?badge=0" class="iframe"] [call_to_action text="Call us on <span>+61</span> (0) 3 8376 6284 or" btn_title="<i class="icon-envelope-alt"></i> noreply@envato.com" btn_link="mailto:noreply@envato.com" class=""] [call_to_action text="<i class="icon-info-sign"></i> Just text aligned to center" btn_title="" btn_link="" class=""]
- text – text for call to action item
- btn_title (optional) – title for button
- btn_link (optional) – link for button
- class (optional) – this option is useful when you want to use Fancybox (fancybox) or Video Iframe (iframe).